About Susan Sparks

The Plant Powered Pen

From Champion Beef Showman to The Plant-Powered Pen

As a farm girl, I showed Polled Hereford Beef cattle for 10 years in 4-H, winning awards for showmanship and public speaking presentations. While I thought I would pursue a career in agriculture, things changed when I received my degree in Journalism from Ball State University. My first stop was a job creating an employee newsletter for the State of Indiana.  Nothing like meeting the Governor on your first day of the job!

When I married a career Naval Officer, my journalistic endeavors were shipped overseas. I worked with the Navy Public Affairs Office and the Guam Naval Base Newsletter, the Pacific Navigator. It was here where I received a national Chief of Naval Information Award for Excellence in Journalism for a news story of a rescue at sea. 

Since returning stateside, I’ve run my own content writing company creating articles, crafting case studies, and ghostwriting over 20 non-fiction books for entrepreneurs and small business owners. I’ve also authored two books, been a contributing author to two books, and have two Amazon Best-Sellers.

My personal life changed when I switched to a whole-food, plant-based diet. It has supercharged my passion for helping individuals and businesses who are focused on helping people, animals, and our planet with environmentally positive, sustainable, and healthful products and services.

I’m a graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies Plant-Based Nutrition Certification Program and a Certified Grassroots Plant Based Ambassador through “We Did It Health.”

I am passionate about eating plants, saving animals, and healing our planet.